oceanside photographers

always something to learn

Roles and Responsibilities


Attend General and Management meetings.
Chair meetings in the absence of the President and Vice president.
Member of the nominating committee

Attend General and Management meetings.
Prepare agendas for same.
Chair all meetings and shall only cast a vote in the case of a tie.
Member of the nominating committee
Signing authority

Attend General and Management meetings.
Chair meetings in the absence of the President.
Typically encompasses the role of the Program Director.
Become President when the current President’s term is over or if the President resigns.
Chairman of the Nomination Committee.
Signing authority

Attend General and Management meetings.
Minutes of general meeting: record minutes, submit to management team for approval, distribute approved copy to membership, file/archive.
Minutes of management meeting: as for general meeting except approved copy is distributed only to the management team.
Communication: handle queries, comments and information from members, management, community and other clubs. Forward or distribute as applicable. Keep membership informed of club activities via notices and/or website. Give reports at general and management meetings (anything of current interest that has not already been communicated).
Maintain archive of any material that may be useful for future reference.

Attend General and Management meetings and report club financial status.
Pay club expenses via co-signed cheques.
Deposit monies received to the club bank account.
Record expenses and deposits in an organized method.
Maintain a financial record of all transactions including bank balance.
Assist management group with annual budgeting process.
Report actual financial position versus budgeted plan as required.
Provide blank expense vouchers to management as required.
File all expense reports in an organized method.
Responsible for the booking and payment of the general and education meeting rooms.
Have some knowledge of basic bookkeeping, spreadsheets and access to the internet.
Signing authority


Attend General and Management meetings.
Responsible for coordinating and chairing the Education meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Responsible for setting the program and arranging for a speaker (as needed).
Issue notification to remind members of upcoming meetings.
Responsible for organizing the library and maintaining the book catalogue. Can be delegated.
Arrange workshops, as decided by the management team, including instructor, venue etc.
Coordinate the Special Interest Groups and keep the group leaders informed of any changes.

Attend General and Management meetings.
Coordinate with the appropriate directors to organize and provide the necessary equipment for any given meeting.
Periodically investigate and advise the club about purchasing or renting any equipment.
Organize/maintain a web site and data system for the benefit of our Club.

Attend General and Management meetings.
Responsible for coordinating club promotions
Notify members of upcoming non club exhibits that might be of interest.
Encourage participation in local shows such as Milner Gardens and the Cheeseworks.
Actively look for new venues where the club could exhibit as a group.
Submit exhibit proposals to galleries such as TOSH and MAC
Coordinate multiple slide show events with other photography clubs.

Attend General and Management meetings.
Post the challenges on the web site with the dates and tally votes and forward to the person who puts the slide show together.
Suggest new challenges and field trips to the executive.
Try to arrange an independent judge a few times a year that is also willing to comment on the club’s assignment photographs.

Attend General and Management meetings.
Welcome guests at General Meetings and records contact information.
Sends follow-up email/phone call to guests.
Provide membership forms and new membership package to new members.
Membership dues are given to the Treasurer.
Give the names and contact information for new members to the Secretary.
Order name tags.

Attend General and Management meetings.
Provide a monthly newsletter that will enhance the club, be informative and educational and allow a platform for members’ contributions (at the editor’s discretion)
Encourage members to assist by providing articles, ideas and suggestions to the editor.
The editor or a willing volunteer to provide write-ups about as many club events as possible.

Attend General and Management meetings.
Coordinate speakers for educational component of the General Meetings. Introduces speakers and provides bios to the Newsletter Editor.
Coordinate with the Equipment Director to ensure the necessary equipment is available for the General Meeting.

Attend General and Management meetings.
Arrange social gatherings such as coffee sessions, pub lunches, picnics, etc.
At meetings, provide coffee etc as recommended by the Management team.