What we have going on…

A Day with Rick Hulbert
Feb 6 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

rhulbertThe Venue has Changed!!





A Day with Rick Hulbert

There are only 100 tickets so contact either Brad or Vivienne

we will hold you on a wait list

  • Brad Powell, Vice President – vicepres.opc@gmail.com
  • Vivienne Bearder, Past President – pastpres.opc@gmail.com

“ON THE LEVEL” . . .beachclub





Photographing the Designed and Built Environment

This session covers an overview of how to photograph anything and everything that is constructed by humans . . . from buildings to bridges and from fences to telephone poles. We will cover the differences between human vision and how the camera “sees.” If you want to try to document what you think you see, then this session will give you some key principles to consider.

The Science and Art of Photographic “Composition”

Have you found that the more you read photography books, the more you read the same things over and over again? We will explore how a knowledge of the Arts and Sciences can and will enhance your photography. We will go beyond the popular “rules” of composition and we will discuss how people perceive the world around them.

Story Telling with “Street and Travel” Photography

This session will look at examples of capturing a “slice of life” and a “sense of place in your photographs. We will talk about how to include people in your travel photography, especially if you are not fond of sticking your camera in front of a stranger! This is for shy photographers who still want to capture the “decisive moment.”

Photographic Education . . . Raising the Bar

I am passionate about teaching photography. I want my presentations to go beyond displaying great images. My mission is to inspire folks to be able to create images that they love. This session will discuss how to actually learn and grow as a photographer. I will discuss the process of photography from Pre-visualization through Re-visualization. I will show some examples of how post processing software can take your images to the next level.

Recent Testimonials

“I can honestly say that I learned more about photography from you than during any other photo seminar I’ve taken. And I think my skills will improve as a result. Thank you!” — J. Sternbergh

“I really appreciated your style, slide content and willingness to share knowledge. Your presentation far exceeded any other session on photography that I have attended.” — J. J. Hein

“Doing photography for 20 years I have never been to a workshop with as much information and hands-on instruction. To go through your process from beginning to end, is truly inspirational.” — R. Sargeant

“Yesterday’s presentation was nothing short of a home run. Your enthusiasm is inspiring and infectious and your sense of humor is a treat. After the workshop I could not wait to get to my cameras. Thanks loads!” — W. Heyman

“Thank you for a wonderful, inspiring and educational day. The great thing was that not only did we learn a great deal, it was fun. Your style is terrific and by the way, your architecture is beautiful.” — G. Topper

March Meeting
Mar 2 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Doug Gilbert

Doug Gilbert

Our speaker for March is Doug Gilbert, a fine art photographer from Victoria.  Doug’s topic is:  “Seeing Through Ancient Eyes”  how we experience two dimensional art, and how that relates to our photography.

We will also see the results of the Machinery assignment and our field trip to Spunky’s.

Be certain to look at Dog’s website: www.douggilbert.com/

April Meeting
Apr 6 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

IMG_7317TWe will start the meeting with our regular business and slideshows from the outing to the Comox Air Museum and the Clocks assignment. We also have a big surprise!


Here is the link to the slideshow tips from Kelli (click here)


Our speaker for April is Kelli Etheridge. Kelli is an accomplished and talented professional portrait photographer who has recently started down a new path in her life involving nutrition and her own cooking school. Kelli is a former president of the Harbour City Photography Club and was heavily involved with bringing the CAPA Canadian Camera Conference to Nanaimo as well as the Joy of Photography Show.

Kelli has been producing wonderfully creative slideshows for many years and has been a featured photographer for Photodex, the slideshow software company. Kelli will be talking to our club about how to take your own multimedia slideshows to the next level.

Two of Kelli’s slideshows from  Youtube are below, please enjoy!


Cliff Anderson
Apr 18 @ 11:09 pm – May 28 @ 12:09 am

cliffaCliff Anderson is having a Black & White exhibit at Craig Carmichael’s Island Exposures Gallery.  The exhibit will contain flowers and landscapes.  Cliff is a wonderful photographer and was our Club’s photographer of the year in 2015 based on the winning votes he received throughout the year’s assignments.

Be certain to stop by the Gallery and enjoy Cliff’s photography.

May Meeting – Annual General
May 4 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Annual General Meeting

Elections for our new management team will be held at this meeting.  Richard will offer his final message, announce our photographer of the year and turn the meeting over to Vivienne Bearder to conduct the elections.  Once the new team has been voted on, announced and introduced, we will have our slideshows from the Weather assignment, the field trip to Cowichan Bay and our favourite shots from April.

Screen Shot 2016-04-19 at 9.54.59 PMOur speaker for the month is Thomas Dawson, a travel and landscape photographer from Victoria. His main objective is to capture beautiful and inspirational moments in time at some of the most amazing places on Earth. His travels have taken him to a diversity of places such as China, Thailand, Colombia, the Canadian Rocky Mountains, several locations in the US, Cambodia plus many others.

He has been involved with art and playing musical instruments since being young, however, photography is his main passion. He loves to visit and capture grandiose scenes with vivid colours but his goal is to show the world far more than just iconic locations. On Vancouver Island, where he lives, Thomas has diligently searched for and found locations out in the forests and mountains that no other photographer has ventured to and these photos are part of his ‘My Secret Paradise’ series.

Many people comment how there’s a spiritual, relaxing appeal to many of his photos and this is reflective of his inner nature. He loves the outdoors, promotes a healthy lifestyle and hopes that people feel a sense of joy and peace when viewing his photos.

Adam Gibbs
May 16 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

We are pleased to have Adam Gibbs join us for a special meeting to talk about his photography and travels. Many of you will have seen hundreds of Adams photos in Gardens West magazine when he was their professional photographer.  Here is a link to Adam’s website
Adam enjoys photography, and especially the opportunity to experience the subjects. The act of hiking to a location and simply setting up a camera and taking a few images is what he enjoys about photography. To watch beautiful light on a snowbound peak or camp in an alpine meadow surrounded by wildflowers are the things that draw him to photography, not the other way around. For him, photography is an extension of the outdoor experience, nothing more, nothing less.

Be certain your membership is up to date for free admittance.


June Meeting
Jun 1 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Firenze #1 - Michael Van der TolWe are in for a special presentation from one of our members, Michael Van der Tol.  Michael will be speaking on “Using Textures in Your Photography”. The presentation will cover texture overlays as well as using textures with displacement maps. He’ll show some examples of each and if there is enough time walk through both type of examples using Photoshop.

First, we’ll go through the club business and then view the slideshows from our field trip to Elk Falls Provincial Park, our favourites for May and our Backyard assignment.

Be certain to visit Michael’s great website – click here !

August Meeting
Aug 3 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

_I2A5777Our August meeting’s presenter will be our past president, Richard Peeke-Vout.  Richard has been organizing our field trip and annual favourite slideshows for over two years. He will present some of the ones he has most enjoyed and will tell us a few of his secrets for how he organizes the images and selects the great music he picks.

We will be looking at the slideshows from our trip to the July outing, the Bamfield outing and the Construction assignment.

We will have coffee, tea and water at the break, bring a loonie!!!

Mark Koegel Workshop
Oct 8 @ 8:30 am – 5:00 pm

IPWFinalThree of our club members are among the founding members of a group that are working to bring world class photographers and instructors to the Island to share their skills and knowledge that will allow photographers to become the best they can be.

Mark Koegel will be speaking about:

  • Minimalism, Leading Lines, and Negative Space: seeing the world through a lens versus our eyes
  • Fine-Art Long Exposure Photography Case Study
  • From RAW to FINAL: The Complete Workflow from Capture to Print

Screen Shot 2016-09-07 at 11.42.38 PM

November Meeting – Eiko Jones
Nov 7 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

ejonesOur November meeting has moved to a different date for this month. We are very pleased to have Eiko Jones come and speak to us about his photography. The topic is Watershed Awareness – one photo at a time.

At times he is overwhelmed by the beauty of the world around us. He is passionate about sharing this Pacific Northwest environment with everyone. Through artistic and dramatic imagery, he endeavours to offer people a glance of that world, whether they live in a big city condo, or have no ability to experience the world below or out in nature. His work is all about drawing attention to the entire environment and watersheds, from the mountaintops all the way down, and into our vast, but fragile oceans.

Coffee service will be available so bring your loonie.