Calendar of Events

What we have going on…

November Meeting – Eiko Jones
Nov 7 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

ejonesOur November meeting has moved to a different date for this month. We are very pleased to have Eiko Jones come and speak to us about his photography. The topic is Watershed Awareness – one photo at a time.

At times he is overwhelmed by the beauty of the world around us. He is passionate about sharing this Pacific Northwest environment with everyone. Through artistic and dramatic imagery, he endeavours to offer people a glance of that world, whether they live in a big city condo, or have no ability to experience the world below or out in nature. His work is all about drawing attention to the entire environment and watersheds, from the mountaintops all the way down, and into our vast, but fragile oceans.

Coffee service will be available so bring your loonie.

January Meeting
Jan 4 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

randyOur speaker to start the year off is former club member Randy Hall.  Randy has developed a style that shows enhanced colours and contrast. When many people think of contrast, they think colours and tones. There can also be contrast in content. An example of this can be seen in some of Randy’s early morning images of Parksville Bay. Towering or threatening clouds can instill the feeling of unrest, while the calm waters of the bay say serenity. “It’s this type of scene, and the incorporation of weather, that interests me the most”.


Fire in the Sky


Randy will be speaking to us about his style of  photography and HDR.  Click on Randy’s photo or the Fire in the Sky image to see more of his images.


Following our business portion of the meeting we will see the results of the Portraits and People assignment and the field trip to Robert Held glass works.

February Meeting
Feb 1 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


We are going to have an exciting evening.  Wally Chinn and his wife Alison will be offering his photo-travelogue presentation on exploring the polar bear domain in the Churchill, Manitoba region.

As the marquis animal or symbol for Canada’s northern wildlife, the Polar Bear has little rival. As the largest land carnivore in the world, Canada is home to more than 60% of the world’s polar bears, an animal species that has attracted much interest, curiosity and concern.  Wally & Alison have made a few presentations to the OPS in the past, and through another of their narrated photo presentations, they will focus on their recent experiences in northern Manitoba.  As opposed to their previous presentations that were directed at distant lands such as Africa, Antarctica or the Galapagos Islands, this showing will be directed somewhat closer to home, examining wildlife and geography with a particularly Canadian perspective, including the realities of polar bear life and some of the lighter sides of their behaviour.

The club business will get underway first and we will review the Table Top assignment, the field trip to Rathtrevor and our January favourites.

March Meeting
Mar 1 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Our speaker for March is Bryn Tassell from Ladysmith. Bryn is planning on sharing and talking about the images he has captured on various trips, some of the challenges along with some tips and tricks he has learned along the way.

Bryn Tassell is a photographer who been pursuing a passion of documenting nature for 10 years. He has combined his passion for out door adventure with capturing the natural beauty of the locations he visits. His passion has taken him to remote areas on Vancouver Island to tropical jungles and desolate landscapes of Iceland. More info about his work can be found on his web site at

We will have slideshows for the assignment, the field trip to Milner Gardens and the February favourites.

Be certain to bring a loonie for a coffee, can’t get a better deal than this…

loonie for coffee

Another Day with Rick Hulbert
Mar 11 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm



Another Day with Rick Hulbert

There are only 100 tickets – get yours now.

  • John Critchley, Education Director –

“2017 Edtion” . . .





Following up on Rick’s successful full day presentation in February 2016, we have invited him back to expand on his thoughts of how photography can and will enhance your abilities to see and perceive this beautiful world we inhabit.

While he will include a brief review of the fundamentals of his photographic philosophy previously discussed, he will explore new content designed to increase your understanding of and passion for image making.

As a professional teacher of photography, Rick promises to provide both practical and theoretical concepts and ideas that will help make your images more meaningful and more memorable. This promise is made to all attendees, regardless of your level of expertise or experience.

Have a look at Rick’s Photo Website including some of his images, his workshops, and his testimonials!

Note: There is free parking adjacent to the resort.

Our Sponsors:


CIBC Qualicum Beach

Canadian Tire Parksville









Schedule of Saturday Presentations

Morning Sessions:rhulbert
9:00am to 10:30am
Key Compositional Principles that will enhance your Image Making . . .
Photography with Intent

10:30am to 10:45am
Morning Break

10:45am to 12:15am
The Keys to Pre-Visualizing Great Images . . .
Photographing Light, Edges, Space, and Depth

12:15am to 1:30pm
Lunch on your own – Bag lunches are permitted provided they do not leave the presentation room.

1:30pm to 3:00pm
The Keys to Creating Great Images from your RAW files . . .
From Camera Settings to Editing Workflows

3:00pm to 3:15pm
Afternoon Break

3:15pm to 4:45pm
The Keys to achieving Fine Art Photography . . .
What it is and How to get there”

Recent Testimonials

“I just wanted to thank you again for another brilliant course. I can’t believe how much my eye and skill has improved. My clients even notice a difference after each session you and I have together. Your creative touch is second to none! You are an absolutely brilliant teacher and I just can’t thank you enough for all of your time and expertise. You have made me feel incredibly proud to show off my hard work. Thanks to you my photography has reached a level that I had only dreamed about. The advice you have given me on the business of photography and marketing myself has been outstanding and has produced great results already. I am waiting with great anticipation for our next course.”

— Gabriela Sladkova, Professional Photographer

“Thanks so much for an excellent and engaging class. I loved how you brought in knowledge from other disciplines, it enriched the experience of my learning. Your enthusiasm and passion for the subject material was contagious! I can’t wait to apply what I have learned! Thanks again!”

— Preet Heer, Senior Community Planner

“Rick, your Vancouver Architecture and Urban Photo Workshop was phenomenal. I really feel that your style of instruction coupled with your warm and humorous personality has enabled me to take my photography to the next level. Intercepting the light, watching the edges, and of course, keeping the camera level are all of my valuable takeaways. Your post-processing instruction offered more great and simple tips to add to my toolbox. I look forward to attending another one of your workshops in the future!”

— Diane Spaidal

“Rick – A friend recently wrote to me: “Your photographs of buildings and monuments are becoming rather significantly better every time.” The credit, of course, goes to you and only to you!”

— Nathan Ginsbury

“I posted the “halo-less” photo as well as the one under the bridge . . . and the CEO of The Woodlands Economic Development Partnership replied : “If you ever want to share, I would love to use your photos in our economic development presentations!” Wow! And all due to the lack of halos and maintaining straight lines. You are a genius! :-)”

— Jean Drummond
President, The Woodlands Camera Club, Texas

April Meeting
Apr 5 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Our speaker for April is Larry Breitkreutz, his topic for his presentation is Creating Compelling Compositions.  Larry has been an avid photo enthusiast for over 30 years. He enjoys the inspiration and challenge of all types of artistic images, whether created with the camera, with software, or with brush and paint. With his camera and computer software he creates impressionistic images of a world often overlooked by the casual observer.

Larry is a Certified CAPA Judge and is called upon frequently to critique and judge images in various competitions, both local as well as international. He enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for photography and teaches Level One and Level Two Photography Courses for the City of Surrey, Parks and Recreation.

He has been honoured with the CAPA Fellowship (FCAPA) designation, and is actively involved in promoting photography throughout the region. He serves the photographic community as the President of the Canadian Association for Photographic Art (CAPA).

Larry is visiting with his wife Hazel who is an accomplished artist and photographer.  You can view a recent article they wrote for the CAPA Magazine (here).

Following our regular business for the meeting we will have the slideshows from the Wildlife assignment, the March favourites and the field trip to the North Island Wildlife Centre.

Bring that loonie for the coffee break –

loonie for coffee

June Meeting
Jun 7 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Our speaker this month is member Brad Powell; the topic for his talk is “Sunset To Sunrise”

Brad  is a Nanaimo photographer and a member of the Oceanside Photography Society and the Harbour City Photography Club. He really became interested in photography when he bought his first digitial camera in 1999. It was a 2mp Kodak DC280, and he got it for for the sweet sweet price of $750! But what really got him excited was the free version of Photoshop that came with his new camera! One thing lead to another and Brad soon realized that he loved photography and that he needed to learn more if he was going to get any better at it. So he joined the Harbour City Photography Club in 2001 when it had about 30 members and was meeting at the tiny Kin Hut. Brad took full advantage of all the benefits you can get from belonging to a photography club. He took a lot of inspiration from such talented photographers in the Club as Wayne Buhr and Kelli Etheridge. But probably the most important person in Brad’s photographic life at that time was his photographic mentor, the late Bob Goerzen. Bob Goerzen was an experienced photographer and was teaching photographic workshops and working as a newspaper photographer at the time. Bob was the first person to convince Brad to take his camera off the “P” setting and onto Aperture. But more importantly, Bob introduced Brad to night photography one fateful October night in downtown Nanaimo. Brad’s love of photographing in the dark hours started that night in 2002 and continues to this day! 

This month, we are in the East hall at the Civic Centre.

Slideshows from the Action shots assignment, the field trip to Little Qualicum will be shown. And remember to bring your loonie for coffee!

loonie for coffee

July Meeting
Jul 5 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Our speaker for our July meeting is Judy Holland. 

Artist Statement – Photography, for me, is a spiritual practice, a way of drinking in and celebrating the everyday miracles to be found in the mundane. I travel very little, but rather focus on a deep appreciation of the everyday beauty that my life on Vancouver Island brings me. No matter where I am, I enjoy making photos to delight the eye and move the heart.

I am located in Nanaimo on beautiful Vancouver Island, BC, and am also available for photography teaching and one-on-one coaching.

– 1st place Canadian Association for Photographic Art gold medal, Harbour City Photography Club Photo Salon 2016, View Gallery at Vancouver Island University, May 2016.

– numerous 1st place awards at club competitions, Harbour City Photography Club, 2014-2016.
– “Voluptueux” published in PhotoNEWS Canada, fall 2016.

– Judy Hancock Holland

Slideshows from our assignment, the field trip and favourites will be shown. And remember to bring your loonie for coffee!

loonie for coffee

August Meeting
Aug 2 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Our speaker this month is Cim McDonald who is coming up from Chemainus where she is the Curator of the Chemainus Festival of Murals Society. She is a fine art photographer and artist who has won many awards. Her topic for our meeting is the relationship of line and colour to art. For more information about Cim visit her website here.

Following the business of the meeting, we will show our slideshows from the Deep Bay field trip, the July favourites and the Canada 150 assignment.


Remember to bring your loonie for coffee at the break.

loonie for coffee

If you would like to spend more time reviewing the images, go to the Galleries in the menu above.

October Meeting
Oct 4 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Our speaker this month is portrait photographer Lisa Graham.  Her interest in fashion and lifestyle photography on land slipped into the underwater realm where few photographers venture. She specializes in the niche market of underwater fine art portraits and she loves how water adds a surreal touch to everyday elements

Lisa is going to share her some images from her “Impossible Worlds” collection and talk about some of the aspects of an underwater photo shoot.

You can check Lisa’s website on this link

We will be showing our Favourites from September, our field trip outing and the Inspirational assignment

Bring your loonie for a coffee.

loonie for coffee